
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Trailer - Author Interviews 1
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Please enjoy the trailer for our first seven author interviews!
If you'd like to receive part two of each interview as they're released, you can support us on Patreon. Your contribution helps us make the show, pay our transcriptionist, and keep talking to so many wonderful authors!
The authors who appear in this trailer are M. D. Neu, Shaina Krevat, Hannah Abigail Clarke, Aurora Lee Thornton, Sara Codair, Kevin Klehr, and J. P. Jackson.
M. D. Neu: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Website, NineStar Press.
Shaina Krevat: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Website, Goodreads.
Hannah Abigail Clarke: Twitter, Instagram, Website, Goodreads.
Aurora Lee Thornton: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website, Universal Buy Link, Amazon Buy Link.
Sara Codair: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Website, Goodreads, NineStar Press.
Kevin Klehr: LinkTree, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Website, Goodreads, NineStar Press, Amazon Buy Link, BookTopia (Australia Only).
J. P. Jackson: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, YouTube, Blog, Goodreads, NineStar Press, Amazon Buy Link.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Monday Nov 30, 2020
Series 7, Episode 1: Rhapsody - Elizabeth Haydon
Monday Nov 30, 2020
Monday Nov 30, 2020
This fortnight we’re discussing “Rhapsody: Child of Blood” by Elizabeth Haydon.
Book CW for murder, mass death, child death; TW for use of "prostitute" when describing sex workers.
Topic 1: Rhapsody and Emily - Sexism. Begins at (1:30), CW for sexism, virginity as a construct, sex, rape, sexual abuse.
Topic 2: Achmed and Grunthor - Racism. Begins at (16:03), CW for cannibalism, genocide, fantasy racism, talk of microaggressions.
Topic 3: Jo - Ritual sacrifice and child abuse. Begins at (24:30), CW for descriptions of child murder, child mutilation, parental death.
Promo for Half Damage; Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (33:35).
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon. Patrons at any level will receive the bonus Epilogue episode for this book.
You can check out Robin's written review of the book at Reviews That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Highlight 4: A Spell for Chameleon - Piers Anthony
Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
This fortnight we’re discussing “A Spell for Chameleon” by Piers Anthony. We were joined by Matthew of the podcast Unintelligible Design. There was a lot to discuss in this very sexist book, we recommend you check out our spoiler-free wrap-up before deciding whether to read this one.
Book TW for bullying, sexism, misogyny, toxic masculinity, transphobia, dysmorphia, racism against fictional races, colonialism, mention of suicide, discussion of rape, body horror, assault, death.
Topic 1: Rape Trial. Begins at (1:30), CW for rape, rape accusations, victim blaming.
Topic 2: Bink: Toxic Masculinity. Begins at (18:40), CW for mutilation, toxic masculinity, fantasy incel culture, lack of consent, objectifying women, rape mention, murder mention.
Promo for Happily Ever Haunted; Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (56:30).
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon. Patrons at any level will receive the bonus Epilogue episode for this book.
You can check out Robin's written review of the book at Reviews That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Monday Nov 02, 2020
Bonus; Patron Series A, Episode 1: The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Monday Nov 02, 2020
Hello Patrons and welcome to the first ever Patron-only bonus episode! Well, that was the plan, anyway. This will actually go out to everyone because it's debuting in place of a regularly scheduled episode. In this episode we are discussing "The Lightning Thief", book one of the series "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" by Rick Riordan. Our special guest for this episode (and this series, over on Patreon) is David from almost a year ago, so he sounds quite a bit younger than you may have heard on the monthly Q&A livestreams.
Topic 1: Sally Jackson and partner abuse. Begins at (0:50), CW for physical abuse, emotional abuse, child kicked out of home, financial abuse.
Topic 2: Percy Jackson and separation from peers. Begins at (13:15), CW for loss of friendship, parental death, attempted murder, discussion of parental pressure.
Topic 3: Percy Jackson and false accusation. Begins at (25:30), CW for mention of police, betrayal, hunting, mention of sex.
Spoiler-free recap and ratings: Begins at (37:30).
You can check out Robin's written review of the book at Reviews That Burn.
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Stand-Alone 6: NOS4A2 - Joe Hill
Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
This fortnight we’re dipping into horror with a discussion of “NOS4A2” by Joe Hill. Nicole read just part of this and Robin made it through the whole thing (but it took a month).
Book TW for torture, sexual assault, child abuse, necrophilia, self-harm, animal death, death.
Topic 1: Christmasland Kids. Begins at (1:30), CW for casual cruelty mention, physical torture, TW body horror (teeth, dismemberment), animal cruelty.
Topic 2: Lou - protection/self-sacrifice. Begins at (11:28), CW for death, heart attack mentions, assumptions of mental illness by characters.
Topic 3: Vic - attempted rape, kidnapping, not being believed about her own trauma. Begins at (17:35), CW for attempted rape, kidnapping, kidnapping of child, assault, death, murder, necrophilia, self-harm, animal death, “bury your gays”.
Promo for Deep Dark Truth; Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (32:22).
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon. Patrons at any level will receive the bonus Epilogue episode for this book.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Bonus: One Year Anniversary
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Hello everyone! We've been doing this podcast thing for a year, so we sat down with a special guest, our brother David, to talk about how our first year as podcasters has gone.
CW for occasional reference to Covid-19.
You can find more of David on Twitch.
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon.
You can check out Robin's written reviews at Reviews That Burn.
Transcripts for our episodes are on Transcripts That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.

Monday Oct 05, 2020
Series 6, Episode 4: Extras - Scott Westerfeld
Monday Oct 05, 2020
Monday Oct 05, 2020
This fortnight we’re discussing “Extras” by Scott Westerfeld.
Book CW for anxiety and gaslighting.
Topic 1: Frizz - Compulsion. Begins at (0:50), CW for compulsion, gaslighting, discussion of trauma response, anxiety.
Topic 2: Aya - Social Anxiety. Begins at (8:15), CW for anxiety.
Topic 3: Aya - Loss of Privacy. Begins at (21:21), CW for loss of privacy, anxiety.
Promo for Crit Chat; Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (37:50).
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon.
You can check out Robin's written review of the book at Reviews That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Monday Sep 21, 2020
Series 6, Episode 3: Specials - Scott Westerfeld
Monday Sep 21, 2020
Monday Sep 21, 2020
This fortnight we’re discussing “Specials”, book three of the Uglies Quartet by Scott Westerfeld.
Book CWs for ableism, discussion of eating disorders, major character death. TW for self-harm.
Topic 1: Specials, Shay, Tally - Emotional extremes (emotional inhibition). Begins at (0:50), CW for self-harm, medical condition description, medical abuse.
Topic 2: Zane - Ableism. Begins at (18:42), CW for ableism, discussion of cosmetic surgery, character death.
Topic 3: Shay - Cutting/self-harm. Begins at (33:48), CW for self-harm, medical condition description, medical abuse.
Promo for Bad Songwriter Podcast; Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (48:18).
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon.
You can check out Robin's written review of the book at Reviews That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Interview 3: Hannah Abigail Clarke, Part 1 of 2 (August Clarke)
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
Tuesday Sep 15, 2020
*This interview was conducted in mid-2020. As of late 2022 this author's name is August Clarke, you may find future publications under that name or as H.A. Clarke.
Please enjoy the spoiler-free portion of our interview with author Hannah Abigail Clarke, discussing their new book, "The Scapegracers". Timestamps are marked for the interview questions.
Intro (0:00)
Can you tell us a little about your book? (0:35)
Can you talk a little bit about the way trauma works in your writing? (1:08)
Do you feel that trauma for the sake of trauma is valid for characters to go through or be put in stories or does it always need to be plot related? (2:24)
Has a traumatic event in your books ever changed your perception of a character? (4:10)
How do you decide what a character's reaction to traumatic events is going to be while writing them? (5:48)
When depicting types of queerness that you do not share, do you check them with members of those communities? What do you use to guide those depictions? (9:03)
How do you approach incorporating “visible” queerness in your work? (10:45)
Do you have a thought process on approaching ace or [aro] characters? (12:20)
What is your approach to incorporating visible characters of color in your work? What do you do to make it go beyond social coding (or not)? (17:20)
Have you ever had a character surprise you with their appearance/identity after you started writing? (18:38)
What is your approach to incorporating characters with disabilities in your work? What do you do to make it go beyond social coding (or not)? (21:20)
Do you consider your character’s body image and/or physical description when depicting them and their traumas and how others treat them? (23:45)
--- Wrap-Up and Outro: Included in Part 1 and Part 2 ---
Do you have a favorite book written by someone else, and if so what makes it your favorite? (27:48)
Do you have any queer authors and/or authors of color whose work you’d like to shout-out? (29:54)
What is your favorite non-traumatic thing in any of your books? (30:06)
Where can people find your work? (31:46)
Check out Hannah Abigail Clarke's website for more info about his writing, You can follow them on Twitter and Instagram, or check out her Goodreads profile.
The major work discussed in this interview is Hannah Abigail Clarke's debut novel, "The Scapegracers".
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon. Patrons at any level will receive part two of this two-part interview.
You can find Robin's written review of The Scapegracers at Reviews that Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Monday Sep 07, 2020
Series 6, Episode 2: Pretties - Scott Westerfeld
Monday Sep 07, 2020
Monday Sep 07, 2020
This fortnight we’re discussing “Pretties” by Scott Westerfeld.
Book CW for for discussion of eating disorders, self-harm.
Topic 1: Zane - Brain damage, headaches/migraines. Begins at (0:50), CW for physical injury, memory loss, abuse, drowning.
Topic 2: Tally and Zane - Surveillance, loss of privacy. Begins at (13:51), CW for abuse by control, privacy violation.
Topic 3: Tally - Food denial behavior. Begins at (27:01), CW for anorexia, bulimia, purging, food control, self-harm.
Promo for Drinking and Screaming; Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (39:28).
If you'd like to make a monthly donation, please check us out on Patreon.
You can check out Robin's written review of the book at Reviews That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.