
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Series 1, Episode 1: Sabriel - Garth Nix
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Our first episode is about the book Sabriel, book one in the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix.
Topic 1: Touchstone's PTSD and loss. Begins at (1:30), CW for loss (family, culture, identity), PTSD, mocking nickname, death, ritual sacrifice.
Topic 2: Sabriel dealing with human death. Begins at (11:25), CW for death, loss of family member, animal death, swearing/language.
Topic 3: Sabriel dealing with the loss of her father. Begins at (20:06), CW for death of a parent, grief, denial of loss.
Spoiler-free wrap-up and ratings: Begins at (32:20).
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Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.

Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Trailer - Books That Burn
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Hello and welcome to Books That Burn, the fortnightly book review podcast discussing fictional depictions of trauma in a low stress and minimal cw/tw manner.
Our stand-alone and highlight episodes can be enjoyed in any order, and each series is clearly labeled.
You can find all of our episode transcripts at Transcripts That Burn.
Find all our links on our Carrd.
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To get our thoughts on even more books, check out our blog, Reviews That Burn, or find us on Goodreads.
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Music provided by HeartBeatArt and is used with permission.